Saturday, November 21, 2009

Aussie Troops becoming dependant on drugs in Afghanistan

Here's an interesting one: News has risen that a number of Australian Troops over in Afghanistan, Iraq have been coming home with addictions to drugs such as heroin and cocaine, which is "Cheap as chips" over there. It is believed that the Iraqis are selling the drugs cheap to the allied forces, including Aussie Diggers, to hinder their performance in battle. That's right, their hoping that mid battle the soldiers might want an Ice cream Sandwich.

Anyway, reading this made me think: Have you ever done something that you knew was stupid, something you wouldn't usually do, just because its cheap/free? I think this is a classic example of such a thing and I would love to hear your stories.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

US Cop Tazes 10 year old girl

Every time I see a story like this, a little bit more of my respect towards the Average US Police Officer fades away. A story like what, you may ask? To quote

A US police officer used a Taser stun gun to subdue a "combative" 10-year-old girl in her own home because she refused to take a shower.

In a report on the incident the officer, Dustin Bradshaw, said he was called to the home, in Ozark, Arkansas, on November 11 because of a domestic disturbance.

Ok, so the cop gets called over to the house to have a check up on what's going on. To make sure nobody gets hurt. That is his job, after all, right? The story continues:

when he arrived the girl was curled up on the floor, screaming, and resisting as her mother tried to get her in the shower before bed.

"Her mother told me to take her if I needed to," the officer wrote.

But he said the girl was violent and combative when he tried to take her into custody, so he delivered "a very brief" touch of a stun gun to her back, Britain's Daily Telegraph reports.

This part of the story is where I began to wonder just what was going on in Mr Bradshaw's head that night. Why would A Police Department let through a man who is so feeble, he can't restrain a 10 year old girl? They wouldn't. It only gets worse when he tries to justify himself, saying he only gave her a "very brief" shock. The way I see it, the officer was completely out of bounds, and might need to put the tazer to his own head (for a very brief moment, of course) and get a shock of reality.

Read the full story

The next step (not as uncommon as one might think):
- 17 year old boy killed from Police Issue Tazer

Theres so many stories out there just like this. It's getting a little old.
Theres my 95 cents, what about you?

About me, the Calamitous Author of this Blog

(First up I’d like to say that yes, I got the word Calamitous from a thesaurus – nothin wrong with that, is there?)

My name is Joe Blow, and I am the author of this blog. I am 16. I live in a tiny town in the middle of this country called “Australia” (you probably haven’t heard of the place). I have a genius IQ (according to ZOO Magazine’s comprehensive neuroscience section), but I’m not a member of MENSA. I suspect that’s because I haven’t applied.

I ask that you don’t let my young age turn you off from my intellectual insight on a (hopefully) wide range of topics that concerns the people of today (and tomorrow). I greatly encourage you to also provide your opinion via comments, as long as you remain on topic with the issue at hand.

This Blog is a place for me to express my opinion on several issues that effect the world today, headline news and ongoing issues alike. If you have something to say about the blog, or want to know my opinion on something, feel free to post a comment or email me at

One last thing: I are Joe Blow, and all your cents are belong to me.
Sorry, I had to do it.

About the Blog

This Blog is a place for me, Joe Blow, to express my opinion on several issues that effect the world today, headline news and ongoing issues alike. If you have something to say about the blog, or want to know my opinion on something, feel free to post a comment or email me at

About me

My name is Joe Blow, and I am the author of this blog. I am 16. I live in a tiny town in the middle of this country called “Australia” (you probably haven’t heard of the place). I have a genius IQ (according to ZOO Magazine’s comprehensive neuroscience section), but I’m not a member of MENSA. I suspect that’s because I haven’t applied.

I ask that you don’t let my young age turn you off from my intellectual opinion on a (hopefully) wide range of topics that concerns the people of today (and tomorrow). I greatly encourage you to also provide your opinion via comments, as long as you remain on topic with the issue at hand.

One last thing: I Joe Blow, and all your cents are belong to me.
Sorry, I had to do it.

My 95 Cents © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness